2.5 Children Inc.

2.5 Children Inc.

Band Info

They taught us all what punk rock was really about… need I say more?


Chris Neumann - vocals/guitar
Rob Williams - guitar/vocals
Gabe Schaftlien - bass
Brandon Sharpley - vocals/blood curdling screams
Megan Braun - vocals

Former Member(s)

Danarchy (guitar)



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  • 2.5 Children, Inc.
  • 2.5 Children, Inc.
  • 2.5 Children, Inc.
  • 2.5 Children, Inc.
  • 2.5 Children, Inc.
  • 2.5 Children, Inc.
  • 2.5 Children, Inc.
  • 2.5 Children, Inc.
  • 2.5 Children, Inc.
  • 2.5 Children, Inc.
  • 2.5 Children, Inc.
  • 2.5 Children, Inc.
  • 2.5 Children, Inc.
  • 2.5 Children, Inc.
  • 2.5 Children, Inc.
  • 2.5 Children, Inc.
  • 2.5 Children, Inc.
  • 2.5 Children, Inc.
  • 2.5 Children, Inc.
  • 2.5 Children, Inc.
  • 2.5 Children, Inc.
  • 2.5 Children, Inc.
  • 2.5 Children Inc.
  • 2.5 Children Inc.
  • 2.5 Children Inc.
  • 2.5 Children Inc.
  • 2.5 Children Inc.
  • 2.5 Children Inc.
  • 2.5 Children Inc.
  • 2.5 Children Inc.
  • 2.5 Children Inc.
  • 2.5 Children Inc.
  • 2.5 Children Inc.


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  • Weston + Polliwogs + 2.5 Children Inc. at Scarlett O'Hara's

    Dec 01, 1996

  • Jul 20, 1996

  • Jun 20, 1996

  • Corrupt House show - Kevin's Flyer

    Jun 20, 1996

  • Sep 30, 1995

  • Sep 03, 1994

  • Mar 19, 1994

  • Dec 12, 1993

  • Nov 26, 1993

  • Apr 03, 1993

  • Unisound 12/11/1992

    Nov 11, 1992

  • Nov 01, 1992

  • Sep 12, 1992

  • UNisound Battole of the Bands

    May 16, 1992

  • Apr 25, 1992

  • Nov 02, 1991

  • Oct 20, 1991

  • Sep 07, 1991

  • Apr 14, 1991



    • The Balcony, Philadelphia, PA
      Mar, 01 2004

    • The Killtime, Philadelphia, PA
      May, 18 1996

    • Rob's Warehouse, Philadelphia, PA
      Apr, 07 1996


    • RIP Chris Josh (Dec, 05 2020)
    • still my favorite band! I didnt even realize they were from my home town when i 1st started loving them. I only managed to see them once when they did a reunion show. Wish I could find some merch somewhere...it took me forever to hunt down an album to buy. Pickles (Sep, 24 2011)
    • What would any of us really know about punk rock without 2.5? Josh (Apr, 27 2010)

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